Category: Projects
Cuddle Bed Unveiled
Bethesda Health Care’s first Cuddle Bed, made possible thanks to generous donations in memory of PRID Ken Collins AO, was officially unveiled on Monday 3rd July 2023. The bed cost $32,000 including GST. Freshwater Bay Rotarians Di Collins and Ronniet Orlando attended the unveiling (unfortunately Simone Collins had come down…
Singapore Dumpling Festival
22nd June was the Dumpling Festival in Singapore. Our Freshwater Bay Rotarian in Singapore, Sheila Cheng, again volunteered at the Anglican Care Centre Simei, running another hands-on workshop, this time on wrapping glutinous rice into dumplings. Sheila showed a short video so that they had a visual understanding of the…
Divine Mercy School Fencing
Meeting 7th Jun: PP Buff Wright
Meeting 24 May: Moort Care
2024 NYSF Applications Open
The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program is designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields. The NYSF Year 12 Program runs two summer sessions :…