The Rotary club of Freshwater Bay assists with providing humanitarian aid and education overseas.
A large part of these projects involve raising funds to support needs that our not currently being met that our club can work on with others (often in other countries), or to support other non governmental organisations already doing good but in need of money or donated goods to keep providing their much-needed services.
See the latest updates about our International Service projects.
Projects initiated through Rotary
For many of these projects we work with the charitable arm of Rotary, the Rotary Foundation, which has a major focus on Polio Eradication, but also provides grants for large projects and Vocational Training Teams.
Some of the projects we are assisting are listed with “Rotary Australia World Community Service” (RAWCS), which enables tax-deductible donations to be made to support the cause.
Other projects that have been adopted world-wide by Rotary Clubs include Shelterbox and Interplast.
Assistance for other Organisations
The Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay is proud to support the wonderful work of NGOs such as Days for Girls, and Awareness Cambodia.