Category: Meetings
Sheila visits Singapore East
Meeting 28th June: Cosmos Alliance

On 28th June 2023, Jason James from the Cosmos Alliance gave a wonderful presentation on the work he and his team are undertaking in countries such as Zimbabwe, Uganda and Papua New Guinea, particularly with providing training to community health workers. A health professional himself here in Perth, the work Jason…
Meeting 21 Jun: Alzheimer’s Research

On 21st June 2023, Freshwater Bay Rotarian Prof Hamid Sohrabi gave a fascinating update on his Alzherimer’s research. Prof Hamid R. Sohrabi is the Director of the Centre for Healthy Ageing and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the School of Psychology, Murdoch University. He has two Honorary affiliations as Associate Professor…
Meeting 14th Jun: Don’t Meth With Us

On 14th June we had a surprise international guest speaker! Mario diGesu from the Rotary Club of Truth or Consequences in District 5520, New Mexico, has been travelling after attending the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, and contacted us to attend our meeting while he was in town. With no other…
Meeting 7th Jun: PP Buff Wright
Meeting 26th April: Science Experience

At our meeting on 26th April 2023, we had presentations from two students we sponsored to attend the Santos Science Experience at Murdoch University from 13-15th December 2022. Sean Bolton and James Wrona, from Shenton College, came to our meeting along with their Science Master, Fiona Hassell, plus their mothers. Sean had attended the…