Our third annual fundraising concert was held on Australia Day at Woodbridge House.

Our fabulous artists were musical director Adrian Soares, Naomi Johns, Caitlin Cassidy, Lachlan Higgins and Devon Lake. Unfortunately our MC Alessandro Pittorino was unwell on the day, however he’s keen to help out again next year.

We have several active members who are currently away or ill, however 18 of our members were present.
Special mention goes to our members from Singapore, Sheila Cheng and LAU Eng Seng, who came to Perth with their three adult children for the concert and Chinese New Year, plus Prof. Ralph Martins and Prita Asih who came back from Adelaide for the event.

With over 180 tickets sold, we raised over $8,000 for our projects – a great success all round. An enormous thank you goes out to everyone who helped, and particularly to Charter President Di Collins for the huge amount of work that she always puts in with the bulk of the organisation of the concert.